Author: Sheree

By Sheree

Iran – Kashan & Isfahan

Salaam!! Below is about our time in Kashan and Isfahan. Since then we have been to Shiraz, experienced nowruz – the Persian new year, been desert camping and are now in ancient Yazd!! We will probably write about these once we are home as we only have a few days left in Iran to enjoy!…

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By Sheree

Berlin and Amsterdam

The last two stops on our journey around the European continent were to visit the big, beautiful, global cities of Berlin and Amsterdam. I’m just going to jot down briefly what we got up to with a few pics, as at this point it was all pretty standard holiday stuff. Berlin From our workaway in…

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By Sheree

Sheree’s side trip to Portugal

Whilst at home planning our trip, Matt and I talked about doing a few small sections of our trip solo. We foresaw that at some point we would probably need some space and also probably wouldn’t always want to do the same thing.. So this just made sense. But after travelling together for over 6…

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By Sheree

Greece – Our return to The West

What is Grexit and why is Matt always going on about it? Most people when they arrive in a new country do so through the international airport, and so their first impression is often shaped by the experience they have there. When we arrived at the Athens international airport from Georgia, the customs was umm……

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By Sheree

Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan

Hello! It’s been a long time since our last post after leaving China and we have since rested, visited two ‘stan countries and taken a flight to the “balcony of Europe” – the small but beautiful Georgia. The Central Asia we saw was really interesting, the people who were once nomadic have been influenced over…

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By Sheree

Koh Phangan

Note: Sheree = purple Matt = green Farewell Thai islands, it’s been a blast, you have taught me how to dive, relax and of course how to party. You will forever hold a special place in my heart! We have now left the islands, this last leg of our journey involved catching a seemingly overbooked ferry from Koh Phangan…

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