Year: 2016

By Sheree

Koh Phangan

Note: Sheree = purple Matt = green Farewell Thai islands, it’s been a blast, you have taught me how to dive, relax and of course how to party. You will forever hold a special place in my heart! We have now left the islands, this last leg of our journey involved catching a seemingly overbooked ferry from Koh Phangan…

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By Sheree

Koh Phi Phi Islands

Hi, Sheree here ☺ There has definitely been a nice change of pace since our last post, so here is a quick update on what we have been up to. I am sitting writing this blog in a bar on the beach of the island paradise of Koh Phi Phi Don. We love this place…

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By Matt

The beginning – Singapore

So here we are in warm, muggy Singapore after a nearly sleepless night in our hostel (it seems that the thing to do at 1am is rummage through plastic bags and then snooze 10 times through your alarms early the next morning), but hey that’s what you get when your on a budget in a…

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