Koh Phi Phi Islands

By Sheree

Hi, Sheree here ☺ There has definitely been a nice change of pace since our last post, so here is a quick update on what we have been up to.

I am sitting writing this blog in a bar on the beach of the island paradise of Koh Phi Phi Don. We love this place so much so that our initial plan of staying 2 nights has extended to at least 4!

Not a bad place to get the blog post done!
Not a bad place to get the blog post done!

Krabi was a much needed two days of organisation and it just so happened that Chinese new year eve fell on the night before we left. We headed down to the night markets where we sampled lots of yummy food and watched a cabaret show. All in all a good night out and we were in bed by 10…

Our journey to Phi Phi started the next day with us getting shoved in an already full mini bus in Krabi. I was squashed in next to a girl from Nepal, Sim, who had never seen a beach before coming to Thailand and had never been on a proper boat!! We spent the ferry ride over chatting about how awesome it was that this would be her first island and later that afternoon took a boat trip with her and her friend from Argentina, another Matt.We hired a private long boat and they took us to a bay where we could snorkel and see some beautiful tropical fish, before heading to Maya Bay (where “the beach” was filmed). This place just made your jaw drop – it was stunning. Because you can’t come to Phi Phi and not party we all went out in the evening to have some dinner and (a lot of) drinks, which turned into a pretty fun night out! Matt managed to spend 2 ½ days budget in one day!!!

Due to a hangover and blowing our budgets, the last 2 days have been very chilled. Last night we watched the fire show down at the beach (for free). They were extremely talented and could easy be in a cirque de Soleil show!

Flame twirling
Flame twirling

Today started with long, hot hike up to the three different lookout points on the island. We were rewarded with some incredible panoramic views of the island and some great photo opportunities. We definitely do not want to leave this island, but alas I must do my dive course on Koh Tao. Oh what a hard life…


4 thoughts on “Koh Phi Phi Islands

  • Fleur February 11, 2016 at 12:05 pm Reply

    Fabulous blog Team! Particularly loved reading about your Zoo Outing in Singapore!

    Keep living the dream Island Life!

    F xx

  • Lorraine February 11, 2016 at 9:13 pm Reply

    Love reading about your trip PIcs are amazing !!!! Xxxx

  • Ben v P February 22, 2016 at 1:26 pm Reply

    Great pictures Matt !

    • Sheree and Matt February 28, 2016 at 10:25 am Reply

      Thanks Ben – It’s fairly easy when your in a place that looks as beautiful as that!

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